Our Programs

Our multi-aged classroom is set within two age groups.

The Cubs

At Solana Beach Community Preschool, our Cub classroom begins at 2.5 years old through 3 years old. Our classroom curriculum is derived from a Reggio Inspired classroom, supportive social and emotional development and project based learning. We value each child for who they and have a great respect for their individual growth and developmental progress. We meet their needs and provide space for continued exploration and growth.

Project-based learning for the Cubs is a valuable approach that can enhance their development in various ways. By engaging in hands-on projects, children can explore their interests, develop important skills, and deepen their understanding of the world around them. The key is to choose age-appropriate projects that are simple, engaging, and allow for exploration and creativity. Activities such as sensory bins, art projects, nature walks, and simple science experiments can all be tailored to suit the needs and interests of our cubs. Through these projects, children can learn through play, develop critical thinking skills, and foster a love for discovery and learning at an early age.

Our social-emotional program for the cubs, focuses on nurturing emotional development through various activities and interactions. Our experienced teachers create a conducive environment where children can explore their feelings, develop social skills, and learn to manage their emotions effectively. Through play and learning opportunities we aim to foster a sense of belonging, empathy, and self-awareness in our young learners. By providing a safe and supportive space, we encourage children to express themselves, build healthy relationships, and become confident individuals.

The Bears

Our older group, The Bears consists of children 4-5 years old. Our curriculum is comprised of project based learning and social and emotional development. We use our Reggio inspired environment as a third teacher fostering a meaningful learning space.

Project-based learning offers numerous benefits for our Bears by providing hands-on experiences that promote exploration, critical thinking, and collaboration. Engaging in projects allows children to delve deeply into topics of interest, fostering curiosity and a love for learning. Through hands-on activities, children develop problem-solving skills and creativity while honing their communication and social skills through teamwork. Introducing project-based learning in the classroom can create a dynamic and enriching educational environment where children are active participants in their learning journey.

In our Bear classroom, children are developing a sense of self-awareness, empathy, and the ability to regulate their emotions. As Early Childhood Educators, we know it is important to provide a supportive environment that helps children build positive relationships with their peers and teachers. We continue to encourage communication, cooperation, and problem-solving skills to promote social skills for the Bears. Our teachers positively nurture social emotional development in the classroom, where our children develop strong social skills that will benefit them both academically and in their interactions with others.